So, nice June we had there eh? Quite often I've awoken recently, and peeked out the window to see a crystal clear blue sky, only for it vanish a couple of hours later, obsucred behind uniform shapeless grey clouds, clogging the horizon like discarded carrier bags.
I hate this weather. Coming from Manchester I'm used to most things wet and inclement, but I think I'd choose just about anything over grey and muggy: rain, wind, cold, storms, snow, hail, giant radioactive crayfish strafing London with lazers from their eyes..
It feels like such 'pregnant' weather to me; an anticipation of something else. Everything feels so close and tense. I find myself itching for something to happen that might dissipate the charge in the air, even if it's just some rain. There is the odd window in the clouds, reminding you there's a sun up there, and when its rays get through, everything seems glorious for about five minutes, until the next bank of cloud shuffles along to park up the space.
I read in the paper yesterday that this is the weather predicted for most of summer as well, so better get used to it I suppose. How dismal.
come to Barcelona :)
ReplyDeleteIt snowed in Brixton and Clapham yesterday. And, driving back from Milton Keynes, the car got hammered by hailstones for a few minutes at around 7pm.
ReplyDeleteYeah.. the hail completely messed the Sun & Doves up apparently.. it's like the Day After Tomorrow or something.
ReplyDeleteMostly it's still just torpid though.. which isn't stopping some spoon in my flat putting the heating on.
The nice weather cheated on us for other countries in Europe, the harlot.
ReplyDeleteShe is a fickle lady these days.
ReplyDeleteJust come to Australia, she's waiting for you. She is, not me ;)